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LOGITAS - Software Escrow

Software Escrow Agent

Software Escrow Agent

LOGITAS' system relies on an accurate and balanced escrow agreement, setting trigger events and escrow release procedures, as well as on a high-level technical verification of escrowed materials

Software publisher

Protect the Intellectual Property attached to your software, reassure clients, partners and investors about its continuity, create a system of proof of your Research and Development efforts ... are strategic topics for a software company. LOGITAS provides its expertise to build software escrow which content and validation level allow answering these issues.

End-User or Integrator

Default provisions, based on an escrow, are the usual way to secure a license agreement. LOGITAS make these default provisions a real Plan B by setting a clear and balanced legal framework describing trigger events and release procedures, executing a complete set of technical controls on escrowed material in order to check that another team will be able to use it to maintain the software.


Software is an immaterial asset, complex to value as it often depends on the knowledge of a few key developers. LOGITAS gives a materiality to this asset by controling that escrowed material includes accurate building and deployment procedures and more generally all material required to make it possible for another development team to maintain the software under reasonable conditions and within reasonable deadlines.


Within the framework of good governance, IT management seeks to protect the IT Editor immaterial patrimony. The LOGITAS System enables to build and validate software deposits that are technically complete enough in order to efficiently protect it in case of any litigation regarding intellectual property, civilian or contractual liability, tax control, FDA, SEC, tutelage authority, etc.